Friday, July 22, 2011

Tonks and Bees

Tonks got stung by a bee..AGAIN! This is her second time getting stung in one month. Thankfully, she's not allergic to bees. We found out the first time. I rushed her to the vet because she started to act very lethargic. Once we got there she was her spunky self again!! The first time she got stung on her foot when we walked through a little group of bees that we didn't notice. This time she got stung in the eye. Her and Maggie thought they found a fun bug to chase and didn't realize it was a bee until it was too late! Tonks got the sting and Maggie got away just in time! Her right eye is a little swollen, but she seems to be in good spirits. A little itchy, but still acting like a puppy!


  1. Aww - poor thing! We just discovered that our pup is allergic to grass. It, similarly, makes her very lethargic. Grass!! What are we supposed to do about that?! Ha.

  2. Ooh! I am so glad I found your blog. I am a fellow dog lover!

    I'm sorry she got stung again - but thank goodness she isn't allergic.

  3. Natasha- I'm glad I found your blog as well! And thanks for following me! Its always nice to meet other dog lovers out there!
